الاثنين، 1 يونيو 2015

old school new body-diet and our fitness

old school new body
old school new body

 old school new body-diet and our fitness

As we age, it is natural vitamin C in the skin, fortunately, the lemon contains vitamin C we need to seem to feel and freshness of a new, old school new body and helps us in many problems, including:

1.baka Age: The best way to use vitamin C to get rid of age spots is the lemon juice, citric Ahmad in lemon juice can help fade spots and gradually unify the color of your skin.

Recipe: a touch of lemon juice on the spots daily, with leave for a period ranging between 5-10 minutes, then say goodbye to unwanted spots.

 Egg whites and thyme mask to get rid of cellulite and wrinkles

2. wrinkles and fine lines: wrinkles forming on your face parts that move more than others, under the upper skin layer there is collagen, a tissue that connects and keeps the skin layers together, as we age, we begin to lose some collagen which makes the skin sink to the bottom and rise wrinkles, to fight wrinkles Try adding a healthy dose of vitamin C in your diet.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C: like lemon, strawberry, papaya and pineapple, with the help of these snacks, your body will start to produce more collagen, which helps prevent wrinkles annoying.

Activities better to burn fat and that does not look like exercise

Number of Views: 449
 Activities better to burn fat and that does not look like exercise
Team "How do I"

Regular exercise makes you feel good about yourself and benefits your overall health, however, and for many, going to the gym, for intense exercises.

It may be hard to Atakdhuh style life, but fortunately, there are other ways to reap some of the benefits, you can do a lot of physical activities to burn fat as well as improve or maintain physical fitness and your health in general, and can include such daily activities, and recreational activities active and some of the favorite sports.

Along with the fat-burning, Maintaining physical activity helps to prevent obesity, increases energy level you have, relieves depression, anxiety, and reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer, diabetes type II, osteoporosis .

The following are the most important physical activities to burn fat:


It is a physical activity that helps in getting rid of fat in the abdomen, as well as the muscles akin lower body, and in addition to it, it makes your lungs work harder to collect more oxygen, which in turn helps to improve metabolism.

Riding the bike is also exciting and interesting way and environmentally friendly to explore the world around you, you can enjoy entertaining Rbakob cycling as an activity or to travel to nearby places.


Dancing is a way to reduce the fat, the different dance steps (moderate or quick) steps, helping to target specific areas of the body, especially the abdomen, dancing burns calories, like swimming, cycling or walking.

It also helps to fight stress, anxiety and depression, and some of the factors that contribute to weight gain, if danced regularly, this can reduce the heart rate and blood pressure and improve blood cholesterol levels.

Walking and running:

Walking or jogging also good physical activities that can help burn calories, try walking at a moderate pace for 30 to 60 minutes 0.5 times a week, to help burn stored fat and increase your metabolism, in fact, 30 minutes of brisk walking a day can burn about 150 extra calories.

5 differences between women and men in jogging

Regular walking or jogging also reduces the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, strokes, both of which also has a positive effect on mental health, the addendum to that, when you walk or jog in the garden of your neighborhood, lets you have the opportunity to interact with your neighbors and improve relations Social your own.


Gardening can help you burn a lot of calories, depending on the types of activities that you are doing in your garden, you can lose 200-300 calories in 30 minutes, squatting, lifting, digging or weeding, in particular, can help burn calories, can additionally to regular gardening activities that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, depression and osteoporosis.


Swimming is physical activity effective for those who want to burn calories and lose fat, the number of calories you burn while swimming depends on the length and intensity of exercise, weight, high density or the length of time, increases the calories you will burn, burn 100 calories during 10 minutes of intensive swimming.

In addition, this activity in all respects helps to reduce stress and build stamina, strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness, it also helps to alleviate the whole body.


Yoga is a great way to burn calories and maintain your ideal weight, consisting yoga three main elements: asanas, meditation and practice proper breathing, when practiced a moderate pace for 15 to 20 minutes a day, can help you lose weight.

Links morning yoga

Yoga can help to promote metabolism, reduce stress, and the fight against anxiety, improve sleep, increase concentration, and in addition to that, yoga makes your body use oxygen more effectively. More oxygen means more food to reach different parts of the body.

Of the most important advice of nutrition experts to get good results in the implementation of diets, is a regularity in the exercise for 30-60 minutes a day, but, do you really find the time to do so?

Do you spend your day outside the home? Special diet for you

Despite the health and psychological benefits of the many sports, but the functional, family and personal commitments occupies the center of our priorities.

It can, therefore, be replaced by the exercise of our movement rate of increase in the work environment through the adoption of certain behaviors, as follows

Use the stairs instead of the elevator to get to the office.

Stop the car at a distance from the workplace and the opportunity to walk a sufficient distance.

To participate in the Gym with a group of employees to ensure compliance with the plan Sports en masse.

Keep light and medium weights in the office, since the resistance exercises are necessary as is the case in aerobic sports.

Sports wear shoes whenever possible to help Ivkirkbdharorh to walk and exercise if possible.

Sports distribution period required to break times, so that they can exercise for 10-15 minutes at each break even
Up to 30-60 minutes required.

Replaced by calls and e-mails to colleagues in the office to walk and talk to them face to face, and then surprised the business quickly finalize and adopt healthy behavior at the same time.

5 chair exercises you can do anywhere

Necessary to include this in our daily habits and get used to the application, even become a way of life. And health and long as you Activity

old school new body
old school new body

old school new body-Magic diet to lose 5 kilos in 7 days

Because of the suffering of many people in a failed weight loss attempts, the d. Monica Greenville specialized in the science of nutrition and creating a new integrated diet works to increase the body's fat-burning rate, old school new body also works at the same time to increase the energy and vitality of the body, so this diet helps to lose about in just 7 days ..


First day

cereals such as cornflakes with skimmed milk

Cup low-fat yogurt (about )

The second day

2 multi-grain toast

Negotiable fat cheese low-fat

A platter of sliced grapefruit

Third day

Cup fresh fruit juice

Age Bread

Negotiable fat cheese low-fat

The fourth day

A banana, a medium-sized

A small cup of barley soup

The fifth day

Cup fruit juice

pills with skimmed milk

The sixth day

Cup fruit juice

2 eggs fried in a skillet, stirring anti-adhesion without the addition of any fatty substance

Toast slice

The seventh day

2 smoked meat slice

2 roasted tomato fruit

Spoon bean

Dish fruit salad


First day

Pasta salad (Fill your hand any form of pasta then Agatha and add to skim sauce)

Tomato slices and cucumber

Smoked turkey slices

The second day

Loaf filled with cottage cheese age

2 tablespoons corn

Third day

Fruit cooked potatoes in the oven

A can of tuna

Fresh salad dish with the addition of skimmed thieves

The fourth day

Loaf filled with chicken age

Green salad

The fifth day

Fruit cooked potatoes in a small-sized furnace

3 tablespoons cooked beans Ne * or steamed

The sixth day

2 pieces 2 medium-sized or small pizza pie decorated with cheese and tomato slices

Cup fruit juice

The seventh day

Multi-grain toast

3 tablespoons cooked beans Ne *


First day

Stewed chicken breast in the oven with 2 tablespoons vegetable

boiled potatoes

The second day

Beef Burger grilled slice

The fruit of a large potato cooked in the oven

Dish salad

Third day

Slice salmon cooked in the oven

3 tablespoons boiled brown rice

Grilled mushrooms

-ta mate

3 slices canned pineapple

The fourth day

Grilled Chicken with Vegetables

3 tablespoons boiled brown rice

Ice cream scoop

7 canned sliced peaches (computing)

The fifth day

Pasta with tuna (preparation method: a small addition to the amount of tomato sauce and a handful of boiled pasta and 2 tablespoons sweet corn and a can of tuna are Though mixtures on fire)

Fresh fruit platter

The sixth day

Chicken Curry (setup method: Add 5.0 Jar curry sauce with chicken and leave on low heat)

3 tablespoons boiled rice

Canned Fruit dish

The seventh day

Chinese thickness (setup method: Place the fish fillets and it sliced tomatoes, garlic and basil sauce and leave in the oven until full maturity)

mashed potatoes

2 tablespoons cooked vegetable Steam problem

Small cup yogurt (about )


fast diet to lose weight in 10 days
Looking a lot of those who want to lose weight on the diet systems enable them to lose the largest number of kilograms in less time.

Magic diet to lose 8 kilos in 10 days

We offer you this magical Dieting, which helps in the loss of about of excess weight in just 10 days

First day:

Any variety of non-fat dairy products (yogurt - milk - milk Ribe - Quraish cheese) + cucumber or lettuce

Shall choose one class only choices throughout the day for example (Quraish cheese + cucumber) or (yoghurt + lettuce) and divided into 3-5 meals any quantity

The second day:

Fruit in any quantity, one class throughout the day on 3-5 except (mango, bananas, dates, figs, grapes).

The third day:

The same first day.

The fourth day:

The same day the second.

Day Five:

No products protein (fish, chicken or meat or eggs) + cucumber or lettuce

Only one class throughout the day (such as thickness, with an option) on 3 meals any quantity.

Sixth day:

Boiled vegetables (except potatoes, potatoes, peas, beans and taro) on 3 or 5 meals.

Climbing vegetables in water only, without soup or stock cubes, you can only put spices and salt to taste

The seventh day:

Fruits problem throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals and any quantity except (mango, bananas, dates, figs, grapes).

Eighth day:

The same first day.

Ninth Day:

Green salad throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals any quantity.

Tenth day:

The same the second day.

After the end of the tenth day of this accursed advised to rest for a day and then re-accursed again if the desire is taken.

Bergamo potatoes .. get rid of per month

Of course Stub If you know that potatoes that contribute to weight gain, are the same as the best way to diet.

Potatoes, a double-edged sword, if you address them is red in oil, certainly will gain more weight but if you Blaha in water without the addition of salt and you taking it regularly lose between 3-4 kilos per week The reason for this is that potatoes contain some elements that help to absorb fat from the body, Instant so that the main reason is the method of cooking potatoes controls the weight either upward or downward.

For this offer you the potato diet presented by the site "diota fitness" to help you lose 3- per week:

- Breakfast: coffee or tea with skimmed milk.

- Between meals: yogurt or sugar-free juice or apple.

- As for lunch and dinner Mamo, 7 Options, namely:

 Food: Eat skinless chicken + of boiled potatoes
Dinner: potato salad green pepper

 Food: Egg omelet baked breaded
Dinner: fish + boiled potatoes

 Food: boiled potatoes with green beans
Dinner: Potato salad, radishes and mushrooms in olive oil

 Food: boiled potatoes + grilled salmon
Dinner: boiled chicken + potato salad Eros

 Food: Grilled meat slices + boiled potatoes
Dinner: green pepper potato salad + yoghurt tray

 Food: boiled potatoes
Dinner: potatoes baked in the oven or steamed

Food: Potatoes baked in the oven or steamed
Dinner: tuna + boiled potatoes

Tried to continue on this diet for a month you'll find yourself you can lose more than of weight, but it is also important attention to dietary habits sound like drinking 8 glasses of water a day, in addition, to exercise on a daily basis to get the best results.
